Contact Us

We're currently in Closed Beta. If you're a brand, agency or partner looking to request access to the platform, fill out the form below.

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Frequently Asked Questions

How can I get Jarvio now?

We are currently running a closed beta with an amazing group of brands and agencies around the world. If you would like to enquire about joining us on this journey, please contact us.

Why was Jarvio built?

Our founders previously ran an Amazon agency that helped brands to reclaim millions of dollars in sales from intermediaries. With advancements in Artificial Intelligence, putting this expertise in the hands of brand managers became a possibility.

How do Partnerships work?

Jarvio assists brands with every task involved in running their Amazon business. This includes recommending some of our Amaz-ing partners when our customers need them!

How does Jarvio work?

Jarvio connects directly to your brand's Amazon account to pull in your orders, inventory levels and brand specific information. Jarvio combines this with market data & expert knowledge to then automatically generate tasks for your brand to find success.

Do I need prior Amazon experience?

No. Jarvio is being built to put to experience directly in the users hands. No more Amazon courses, no more frustrations with the steep learning curve.

How much does Jarvio cost?

Our plans are tailored towards brands and agencies of all sizes, starting at $99/m.

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